Welcome to Technology-Assisted Healthy Aging (TAHA) – where aging meets innovation









Empowering Lifelong Wellness with advanced Technology: At TAHA, we envision a future where technology revolutionizes aging, making it a period of empowerment, wellness, and active engagement. Our vision is a global community where advanced technologies seamlessly support healthy aging, enhancing quality of life and independence for every individual as they age.




  • Pioneering Integration of Technology in Aging: Develop and apply state-of-the-art technological solutions to enhance the aging process.
  • Promoting Health, Dignity, and Joy:  Focus on innovations that uphold the health, dignity, and joy of individuals as they age.
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Foster strong collaborations among tech experts, healthcare professionals, researchers, and the aging community.
  • Accessible Solutions: Ensure that our technological tools and platforms are accessible and user-friendly for the aging population.
  • Redefining Aging: Transform the perception and experience of aging in the 21st century through effective and innovative tech-based approaches.



  1. Healthcare Technology : Develop assistive devices, health monitoring systems, and telemedicine solutions.
  2. Community Engagement : Use technology to enhance social connections and community involvement for seniors.
  3. Education and Training : Offer programs to educate seniors and caregivers on using technology effectively.
  4. Research and Development : Collaborate with institutions for ongoing research on aging and technology.
  5. Policy Advocacy : Advocate for policies that support the integration of technology in senior care and wellness.



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Last Modification: 12.04.2024 - Contact Person: Abdelaziz Triki